COVID-19 Protocols
Our team is focused on ensuring your enjoyment at Bloomington Downs Golf Club with the continuation of enhanced cleaning and safety protocols. You should expect nothing less. We are doing our part and we hope you’ll join us in doing yours.
On The Golf Course:
- Please arrive shortly (10 minutes) before your tee time to help prevent large gatherings around the pro shop
- Upon arrival, you will be directed to the pro shop. Only one player is allowed to enter at a time.
- Take advantage of the complimentary hand sanitizer before entering the pro shop.
- Tee times are set at 12-minute intervals and subject to change.
- Tap debit/credit is preferred, but cash will still be accepted.
- Groups can be paired together, but no group larger than 4 is allowed.
- Power carts will be one rider only, unless you are living in the same residence.
- Keys will be in the carts, please leave them there after your game
- Pull carts, cleaned and sanitized before each use, are available.
- There are no club rentals at this time.
- There will be no seating in the pro shop or on the patio at this time.
- The snack bar has a limited, take-out only menu.
- The beverage cart will also operate with limited items.
- Washrooms will be open in the pro shop and portables will be on the course. They will be sanitized throughout the day on hourly intervals.
- All rakes have been removed from the course. You may remove your ball from a footprint in bunkers, smooth the sand and replace ball with no penalty.
- Pin Caddy’s have been installed, allowing players to putt into the cup and remove their ball without touching the pin or cup.
- Players are expected to ensure proper social distancing (6’/2M) while on the course, avoid high fives and handshakes.
- During inclement weather please return to your car if you are planning to wait.
On The Driving Range
- Range ball baskets should be through the pro shop. Please wait along the front side until a team member directs you to enter the pro shop.
- Tee blocks have been spaced further apart to increase distance between golfers.
- Putting greens are open with cups lifted and pins removed.
- The chipping area is open, there are no rakes place at this time. Please do not touch the pins.
- There are no club washers on the range during this period.
- Bag stands have been removed at this time.
- All baskets are sanitized and wiped after each use.
- Golf balls are washed with detergent/cleaner after each use.
- Please respect social distancing (6’/2M) while on the practice areas.
These measures have been put in place to ensure the health and safety of you and our employees. To protect everyone, if you are feeling unwell in any way, please reschedule your practice and play.
Thank you for your support and adherence to these health and safety guidelines.